Wishlist for verified Programming
Verified Programming and, by extension, Verification Driven Development (VDD) focuses on writing programs that conform provably to a given specification. Whenever I use a tool that supports VDD, something is always missing. This post will list all the things I wish I had when programming in a verified manner. I'll start with a survey of what is currently out there. (At least what I'm aware of.) I'll focus on the things I have used personally. As such, my view is by necessity limited. I do think that most of these tools are very similar and, more importantly, most are research projects. Their primary purpose isn't using them in production, and ergonomics are often less critical. I want verified programming to become more mainstream, but it can only become mainstream if it becomes more ergonomic. That's why I started working on this list. But first, let's start with what's already there.
1. What's there? Types and SMT Solver.
When doing verified programming, the main concern is how to prove things about the program. There are two approaches.
One approach is using the Type System. Using Types depending on terms allows the programmer to express most of mathematics. Examples of such systems are Agda, Idris, Lean, or Coq. 1 The general technique employed to prove things is unification. You write terms in the programming language that correspond to proofs. When the compiler checks the proofs by deriving the Type, the compiler unifies different expressions. The disadvantage of this process is that the whole process is relatively manual. Even with the years of development poured into Coq, it is still not automatic by any means.
The other approach uses SMT Solvers like Z3, CVC4, or Alt-Ergo. You write the program and annotate it with assertions, pre-conditions, post-conditions, invariants, etc. The SMT solver(s) then tries to prove your annotations. (Examples include Ada/Spark or LiquidHaskell) Sometimes it needs help. In these situations, you can guide the solver by providing additional assertions to prove later assertions. Other than that, the process is automatic. This automation comes at a cost. Every solver can only reason about a limited set of theories.
To summarize, one approach uses such a powerful language that it can express most of mathematics. Doing automatic theorem proving with this Language is hard. (It's the Type Inhabitation problem. The complexity of this problem depends on the Type System's expressiveness. In the case of the Calculus of Construction, it is undecidable.) Fully automated systems make use of specific theories to allow the computer to derive the proofs.
Note: I describe these techniques as one included in the Type System and the other somewhat separate from the Type System. This simplification is technically false. You can also SMT solver to decide well-typedness. One example of such an environment is LiquidHaskell. It uses refinement Types, i.e., the Type System restricts Types by predicates. The separating difference is more that one is limited in expressiveness to allow for more automation and the other is not.
2. What I want
What's following is my wishlist for verified programming. The easy answer would be ''Well, I want CoC's expressiveness with the automation from SMT solver.''. Well, we are not going to get that, sadly. So, we need something else.
Programming Languages are a complex topic. Everybody has an opinion, and these are mine. Some are more tangentially related, but I think all those parts come together in one end product. Hence, we should not talk about these things in isolation.
2.1. Simple Languages
I want a simple Language. I like Haskell a lot. For both my Bachelor's and my Master's Thesis, I wrote a bunch of it. And it made what I was doing easy. But here is the thing: It is also straightforward to add unnecessary layers of abstraction. It is also very tempting. The downside of this expressive power is the tendency of any program of substantial size to evolve into a DSL for writing that application. Conforming to the style of an application can become hard. It also doesn't help that Haskell has many constructs to do the same thing. Pattern Matching alone has at least three ways to do them. (Function-Level Pattern Matching, case-Statements, and LambdaCases. The last one is not Standard Haskell, but it's part of GHC, which factually defines Haskell.) Which of these should the programmer use? Does the application have a preferred style? Do I want to communicate a specific thing with my choice? (For example, do I want to express that a function is not total, e.g., throws an exception on a particular shape of input.)
My point is that every codebase looks different. Overall I like the approach Go takes, at least in principle. We can discuss the execution, but they limited the Language's expressiveness to the point that all codebases look similar. It also makes tools to proof code more straightforward. If a language has only a small set of features, you only have to verify these features.
Additionally, you can use tools to enforce styling guides more easily. Another thing Go has got down. You can dislike the choices it makes, but it stops the arguments, and the code becomes more comfortable to read because of the consistency.
One way to achieve simplicity in a Language is by limiting the abstractions a Language can express. I took Go as an example in this section. In this respect, I think Go goes too far. I also believe Generics+Enums would fix 90% of the problem. Generics lead me to the next point: A Strong Type Systems.
2.2. Strong Type Systems
Strong Type Systems are great. Rusts, for example, can express many things already without getting in the way for the most part. Type Systems allow communicating invariants directly to the compiler. They also form the theoretical foundation for things like Generics.
For me, a Strong Type System is a must in any new Programming Language. They allow me to NOT worry about a bunch of things. A Strong Type System constitutes a System where I have at least Types depending on Types. Something like Hindley–Milner with Type-Classes is enough for most cases. If we end up with complete dependent Types (Types depending on Types and/or Values.) to also prove properties about the code, that's also fine. I have one prerequisite. The Type System needs to be ergonomic. As far as I have seen, most dependent Types still require a lot of manual work. I can't tell you how many times I had to rewrite something because some addition was in the wrong order.2 Even simple things like this become a real problem when you try to get something done, and it keeps coming. Maybe we find an Algorithm that relieves the programmer from this manual work. I don't know.
We can also accomplish Efficiency through Types, another requirement I have for a new Programming Language. We will talk about Efficiency as a requirement in the next section.
2.3. Efficiency
Efficiency is always a nice thing to have. There are (at least) two types of Efficiency to consider when talking about programming languages. Efficiency when running the resulting program and Efficiency when writing the program. In this section, I'm talking about Efficiency concerning when running the program. Even at runtime, there is more than one dimension to consider.
Firstly, the program's runtime efficiency, i.e., how long a program takes to run. In general, you don't want a Programming Language that inherently makes things run slower. If a Language runs slower than another, the Language often justifies this with convenience in another situation. For example, we accept the runtime overhead Java (or the JVM) has because it allows us to have an ''executable'' that runs on more platforms. Another example would be Python; we accept that Pythons runs slower because it is very convenient to program. It all depends on what you value. I prefer a Language that has a high runtime efficiency. There are a few reasons for this.
For one, as I described above, a simple Language can't have the same level of expressiveness as a more complex Language. If you limit the Language to one loop construct, you can't have a more convenient loop in another situation. What this means is that the simple Language couldn't hope to compare to Languages optimized for ergonomics. As such, it would be foolish to sacrifice a lot of Efficiency for more comfort. Of course, you can't remove all convenience features. That would make a miserable programming language. It would be essential to choose a small set of convenient features we can optimize away for runtime. These features should be orthogonal to each other.
I also prefer runtime Efficiency because we would already be paying a high price when developing in compilation time. The basic idea is the following: If it will take a minute to prove the code anyway, why not spend the additional five seconds to do some smarts things with the compiler.
There is also the notion of memory efficiency. Why do I want that? Well, to be perfectly honest, because we can. There, of course, is only a limited number of things a Language can do to become memory efficient. Most of these are data layout things the compiler can do. For example, the compiler can be efficient when tagging sum-Types. More prominent is the memory model a Language employs. There are four ways to manage memory that I know.3
- Mnual Memory Management (C)
- Garbage Collection (Java)
- Automatic Reference Counting (Swift)
- Ownership Types (Rust)
Manual memory management is very error-prone. Essentially, it is hard to guarantee the absence of use-after-frees or double-frees. Garbage Collection means that you pay with a relatively high runtime cost. Its behavior is also hard to predict. The upside is the programmer doesn't need to care about it at all. Automatic Reference Counting also has a runtime cost but is more predictable.
Sadly, it is not complete in the sense that you can create unreachable memory that won't get freed. It happens when you have a reference cycle. Ownership Types don't have a runtime cost because the programmer has to prove to the compiler how he uses these values.
In my opinion, a Language should use Ownership Types. Rust proved that Ownership Types aren't that unergonomic. They also have no runtime overhead. Hence, these should be the first choice for a Programming Language directed towards verified programming.
Generally, I also prefer immutable data structures. Haskell's data structures are immutable. Reasoning about programs becomes simpler if variables can't change. The problem is that persistent data structures are less efficient in many cases. To analyze them similarly, you would mutable data structures requires lazy evaluation.4 And lazy evaluation, in turn, makes programs harder to predict. Persistent data structures are a solution to the state management problem. Object-oriented programming tried to contain state, while persistent data structures allow you not to worry about it as much. If you destroy a list when calculating something, it does not matter; the list still exists in the rest of the program.
The good news is that Ownership Types can do the same thing. They make the state manageable again. Granted, they are not nearly as convenient as persistent data structures. But they allow for more efficient programs in some instances; they enable the programmer to analyze them more conventionally, and they map closer to the machine.5
My last argument for Efficiency in a Programming Language targeted towards verified programming is that verification is more critical for Software that faces the outside world. A high number of these are Embedded Systems, often running on low-power hardware. Being not efficient isn't an option for these Systems. And as I outlined above, I think Rust achieved Efficiency without sacrificing too much convenience. To this point, I haven't talked about the heart of the matter, Proving. The following section discusses how I would like to work with a Programming Language that includes proofs of its code. I want to focus on the expressiveness of the language for propositions. The more powerful it is, the harder it is to generate proofs for it. I'll discuss these topics in the next to sections.
2.4. Semi-Automatic Proofs
The holy grail of mathematics is probably the ability to derive whether or not a proposition is true or not. We know that this can never work in the general case. When talking about verified programming, we stand in front of the same problem. Either we restrict the propositions and achieve high automation (LiquidHaskell) or allow a wide range of expressions at the price of manual work (Coq). There is no way around this, but I think we can do better than we are currently doing. Not in the general case, of course, but maybe in the usual one. SMT solvers are a very code step in that direction. I wish for the following things. (Some of which might not be possible; this is a wishlist after all.)
First of all, we want a system that has similar derivability to SMT solvers today. We don't want to take a step back. Being more expressive also means that you need a proof-language. It would be nice if we can use the same language we use for programming. That's the situation with dependently typed programming languages, minus the automation. I'm very confident somewhere someone is working on term creation for a subset of Types that would allow more proof-automation. We have to get there, but I'm optimistic that we can get to a point where it gets useful.
Secondly, I want more help when writing proofs manually. Maybe a list of possible helpful proofs for the current goal. Creating this list also sounds like an open research problem. The hard part is probably balancing putting too much on the list and being too strict. The wrong approach would be to try to include all eventualities. A list that is too big isn't practical. A stripped-down list means you will not always find the right next step. Maybe we can judge the well-fittedness of the list for the current goal. I don't know, but there are probably a lot of intelligent things that we can do.
2.5. Automatic Version Checks
Version management can be annoying. The idea behind versions is that we are tracking changes on a high level. That's why we came up with semantic versioning. The problem is that we have to assign versions correctly. We can check their compatibility across versions if we define versions in terms of our code's pre-and post-conditions. 6 We could also start generating versions from them. We could bump the most insignificant number when conditions remained the same, and only the ''hidden'' code changed. We would increase the middle number when we alter conditions, but the changes remain compatible (i.e., the new condition entails the old one). And we can increment the most significant number when conditions are incompatible. The dependence on side-effects of code would be visible as side-effects, and because conditions are proven, we can rely on this versioning scheme. For me, this is a practical approach to versioning.
2.6. Automatic Test Generations
In the paragraph before, I said conditions would be proven. I'm realistic. We won't verify every condition.7 But we can nevertheless use the defined conditions to generate tests. Ideally, conditions correspond to executable boolean expressions. If we can generate (random) values that fulfill a function's pre-condition, execute the function, and test that the output meets the post-condition, we can test the function very cheaply. We at least don't have to write separate tests. Tests don't replace proves, but they are a lot better than just hoping the program behaves expectedly. This approach also has the advantage that code and the tests are hard to diverge. We tie pre-and post-conditions to the function (i.e., the code), the conditions, in turn, generate the tests.
2.7. Holes
I'm not going to repeat why Holes are fantastic. You can read about it here. I want to note that verified assertions could be part of the environment, stating variables' properties. (This is something I missed when testing out Ada's Spark.)
This could look something like this:
x : Int y : Int _ : x < 10 _ : x >= 0 _ : 10 < y --------------------- r : Int _ : r > 0 _ : r < 10
2.8. Escape Hatches
At some point, when developing verified Software, we have to leave the comfort of verification and proves and go out into the real world. It is my firm belief that we need to control these escape hatches. Otherwise, they taint the whole program. I don't know what the right approach is. Do we need a (theoretical) heavyweight system like Monads or other Effect Systems? Maybe we can get away with a simple marker system like Rust's unsafe. They mark a function (or block) and lift some restrictions. I want something relatively simple to use. I would also like to state properties at the end of the unverified block to test at runtime and subsequently used as assumptions for proves. Of course, this can only work for some assumptions efficiently, but I also think that communicating these assumptions in code has a lot of value.
3. Conclusion
This article is a wishlist of things I want when programming with verification in mind. I didn't survey current research before writing it. I didn't even think everything I want through. The problems that would need to be solved to satisfy my wishlist are challenging. That's why are called it a wishlist. It is also a decent possibility this list is unsatisfiable. I just wanted to get these things out of my head. I can look at them and read a short explanation of what I meant. I will now shortly summarize my wishlist.
I want a simple language I can keep in my head, and there are not too many ways to achieve the same thing. The language should also use a robust Type System, maybe of the Hindley–Milner variant. These Type Systems are just a relatively cheap way to eliminate specific bugs, and Rust showed that a language with these features can be efficient. Proving should be semi-automatic. For a subset, it should be completely automatic. For more involved proves, we can still fall back to a proof language. We should also use the established conditions to derive version information and tests. Holes in programs are a valuable tool to end up with a correct program, and I want to employ them here. Escape hatches should be simple and allow to establish some properties to be later used as assumptions. These are the things I want from a programming environment geared towards verified programming.
Coq is not a programming language. Coq-the-proof-assistant wants to prove things about programs. You have to describe programs in Coq-the-language, but it is not designed for big programming projects. (Lean to a lesser extent; I haven't used Lean and only read about it.)
I'm referring to the mechanism that changes the Type of an expression. Dependently typed PLs offer this mechanism. You provide an identity between two terms, and this changes the Type of expression.
For each category exist more examples.
Read Purely Functional Data Structures by Chris Okasaki
I, for one, don't have a problem staying closer to the device that executes the code. If I need the power of mathematical abstraction, I can still use the languages that are good at it.
How hard this compatibility check is, depends on the logic. Maybe a syntactic comparison would be a good-enough start.
But we should try to prove all conditions!